11 Months!!!

Wowzers!!! It has been a while since I last updated my blog! What kind of blogger am I? A crappy one it seems but I'm gonna try to do better. This past year has been such a roller coaster ride of emotions, if I would have been updating my blog you all probably would have thought I needed prescription meds or something LOL. Anyway, a brief run down of what I've been up to.
1. May 3, 2012 I was introduced to the greatest guy I've ever dated! He is super awesome and I definitely love me some him

2. May 4, 2012 I found out I was accepted into FSU's Bridge program. I'll be honest and say i was shocked at first. I thought it would be best for me to go ahead and start my M1 year so that I could hurry up and get med school over with and finally begin practicing medicine...but GOD. God is the most brilliant man. He knew what I needed before I knew what I needed and lets just say, I NEEDED this "transition" year before starting med school. Remember, I told y'all I have been on a rollercoaster of emotions. I'm pretty sure I would not have done as well if 2012-2013 would have been my M1 year.

3. The rest of May I was running around with my head cut off trying to get all my paperwork in order and find somewhere to live. Everything worked out

4. May 28/29, 2012 was the first day of orientation. There are no words for how proud of myself I was, how humble I felt, how much elation rushed through my veins. Orientation week was a great week and I look forward to this year's orientation because the feeling I felt in 2012 will be exponentially maximized come May 28, 2013

5. June - August 2012 I was a busy, busy worker bee. Anatomy is a beast but I tamed her and I look forward to that experience again. The human body is an amazing thing and I greatly appreciate the men and women who care enough about medical education to donate their bodies for my learning. Am I an organ/body donor?!? Why yes, yes I am :-)

6. August 13, 2012 I celebrated my 20something-th birthday by studying

7. August 18 -2?, 2012 I visited my bf in TX for the first time!!!! Yep I'm in a long distance relationship. IT'S NOT EASY!!!

8. August 2? - December 2012 I got back to the grind and studied as much as I could while life throw some of the hardest punches I have ever taken in my life. But you know what, I'm a survivor and I am not gonna give up...even though sometimes its a lot easier to think giving up is the best option. I just cannot waste my talent and my passion. Also during this time I learned that SOME PEOPLE TELL YOU THEY LOVE YOU BECAUSE IT SOUNDS GOOD OR THEY FEEL IT IS THE RIGHT THING TO SAY. I learned that not everyone has my best interest at heart. I learned that it is important to keep the ones who TRYULY LOVE you close and not to worry about the ones who say they do but really don't. The ones who really don't will drain alllllll your energy, drive, motivation, eagerness, and life from your body and leave you as an empty corpse rotting in the hot desert sun. I learned I have to keep a tight grip on who I allow to STAY in my life.

9. Mid-December 2012 I realized one of my main problems was that despite all the blessings bestowed upon me by God that I put Him on the back burner. I lost focus on the one person who I know will never leave me nor forsake me- God- and I rededicated my life to Him. I know my purpose on this earth and I know it has been determined by God. I have to keep Him head in my life so that I won't crumble when the devil attacks again.

10. January 1, 2013 I celebrated my first new year with my boo anf i feel God has it in store for us to spend many many more together. This same day, I trekked back home to surprise my momma :-). I spoiled the surprise but she was still happy to see me!!

11. January 7, 2013 marked my 6 month anniversary with my boo!! He sent me my favorite flowers to commemorate the day :-) I truly love that man.

12. January -April 4, 2013 I've
been working on my research paper for bridge. Just a couple of more weeks until the presentation, the paper submission, and another presentation. Followed by GRAD-U-A-TIOOOOON!!!

13. Aril 4, 2013 That's today. I had a pretty good day. Woke up not feelng groggy, my boo was extra sweet to me this morning and told me he re-dedicated his life to God yesterday, I got all my "center work" done prior to meeting Dr. Louis Sullivan and now I am updating my blog.

A lot of other events occured over the past 11 months but looking back I realize, the important thing is not what has happened to me but how have I grown.
A. I am at peace more often
B. I enjoy my journey for what it is and know that I am better today than the day before and the day before that
C. I know that as continue to work hard and pursue my dreams, God will see me through. He will continue to guide my steps and keep his angels near me for protection as I go about my daily activities

Welp! That is it for now.

Until Next Time ✌
