Ben Carson

Yesterday, after  a whirlwind day, I managed to attend the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine graduation ceremony! I was so afraid that I was going to miss the ceremony but by the grace of God I made it (EVERYDAY, I GAIN PROOF THAT GOD IS ABLE TO MAKE A WAY OUT OF NO WAY) and was able to hear Ben Carson tell everyone to THINK BIG*
TALENT. There is talent outside of shooting a basketball, throwing a football or recording an album. Dr. Carson urged that we develop our talent that is your brain.
HONESTY. If you tell the truth all the time, you won't have to remember a lie you told 3 months ago.
INSIGHT. Take time to talk to people who have gone where you are trying to go; learn from their triumphs and mistakes
NICE. Dr. Carson urged everyone to be nice to everyone we encounter and he had us agree to a niceness pledge. He said stop getting into the elevator and looking at the numbers like you have never seen them before and speak to people. Dr. Carson also said, don't revel in your power in the parking lot. If you see someone waiting for your parking spot don't get in and look in your glove box; just move your car.
KNOWLEDGE. Dr. Carson mentioned that he has a big house and a lot of cars (because he grew up in Detroit) but if something were to happen causing him to lose these tangibles, he could gain them all back with the knowledge that he has honed over the years. He said that knowledge makes a person more valuable and if you are more valuable, people need youand if people need you they will pay you.
BOOKS. Books provide you with more informatio that can be gained from watching something on television or DVD so take control of your learning and read a book as opposed to "learning" from a DVD.
IN-DEPTH LEARNING. Learn for the longterm. Like, really, really, really learn. What you read in books, find some way to relate it to something else and store it in your memory so that after you take that test. you still remember what you spent all of those hours learning.
~...and my favorite...~
I feel so very honored to have been able to attend the graduation and I thank GOD for making a way out of no way and allowing me to walk into the stadium justt in time to hear Dr. Carson.
After the speech, there was the confirmation and presentation of the DOCTOR OF MEDICINE degree to the 2011 grauduates of the Miller School of Medicine. I cried the ENTIRE time. I cried because all I could think of was wanting to be in their position in 5 years with the Dean reading off "Dr. Schmiyah La'Kretzia Smith." My future is bright; I just have to stay determined, faithful, focused and motivated!!

*Disclaimer: The explanations for the letters of "THINK BIG" are not verbatim but merely an interpretation of how I processed the information and the message that I took away from them.
